Very often, deployments require sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, or certificates. Tensorkube provides a built-in feature called Secrets to securely store and manage such sensitive data.

Creating a secret

To create a secret in tensorkube, you can use the following command:

tensorkube secret create SECRET_NAME KEY1=VAL1 KEY2=VAL2 KEY3=VAL3 ...


  • SECRET_NAME: [required]

  • KEYVALUES…: [required], Space-separated KEY=VALUE items

  • —env ENV_NAME: [optional], Environment in which the secret is created. If not specified, default environment is used.

  • —force: [optional], Overwrite the secret if it already exists.

When updating a secret, it’s important to redeploy any application that uses this secret. Failure to do so may result in inconsistencies in application behavior, as any running pods might still be using the old secret value but any new onces created will use the updated values. To ensure consistent behavior, always redeploy your applications after updating a secret.

Listing secrets

You can list out created secrets using the command:

tensorkube list secrets


  • —env ENV_NAME: [Optional] Specify the environment to list the secrets from. If not specified, secrets from the default environment will be listed.

Deleting secrets

You can delete a secret using the command:

tensorkube secret delete SECRET_NAME


  • SECRET_NAME: [Required], The name of the secret you want to delete.

  • —env ENV_NAME: [Optional], Specify the environment from which the secret should be deleted. If not specified, the secret will be deleted from the default environment.